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Greener Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap-ish. 

Offering laboratory consulting and low-cost R&D, Scintsol is prepared to help you take your project to the next phase. 

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Current Projects

Want a peek at what we're working on currently? You're in the right place.

Past Projects 

Scintsol is proud to share with you our previous work! Here you will find a growing list of our successfully completed projects. 


You can find an up-to-date list of publications in which we have been named by clicking below.


Chris Kovacs, founder of Scintsol, is a Materials Scientist, Hands-On Experimentalist, Designer (CAD), and Composites Engineer, with FEM Modeling Capability.


Hoyt, trusted advisor. is a greyhound and usually asleep. 


Scroll to learn about our company’s journey


Scintillating Solutions, LLC is founded. 


(Dexmat) Lab Consultancy 

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